Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Greetings from Europe

Hello all,

Welcome to my new blog,

For now I will be using this as a travel journal, so for whoever it may concern the following posts are going to basically be dealing with my ramblings about various places that I am currently travelling to in Europe. I started this blog for the sole reason that it was a hell of a lot easier than writing in a journal, and alot less antisocial seeing as the only time I can get access to a computer is in the hotel when I'm not out doing stuff. That being said, I hope you enjoy my posts, and if not, I hope I do or else this really will be a bloody waste of time now wont it?

One thing you shote note, however (and by note, I mean remember - Put that pen down you bloody twat)
is that when I mark titles with a date followed by a "-" followed by the actual title, and the date in the title does not match the date at the bottom of the post, don't make anything of it. I publish most of these posts a little while after they actually happen so I have time to think about it before I write, instead of just writing down incoherent notes only comprehensable to myself and a few other people with too much time on their hands. Anyway, enough of the P.A. I have a plane to catch =)


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